NSL Field Trials

GEP trials

NSL field trials received GEP (Good Experimental Practice) accreditation in 2017 and has a certification to conduct trials on Plant Protection Products for registration purposes. We perform high-quality trials, which are done according to the EPPO standards, the recommendations for the minimum requirements for a field trial on a specific crop-pest combination. We offer trial sites in the North-East EPPO zone.


Patrik Erlund
Manager, Study Director
Responsible for field trials conducted by NSL
Field Trials
Råd 2030
Grain analyzes
Crop production
Ida-Maria Grünn
Study Director
Study director for bio stimulant trials including GEP-trials
Field Trials
Jasmin Isotupa
Study Director
Study director for herbicie trials including GEP-trials
Field Trials
Sonja Träskman
Study Director
Study director for fungicide trials including GEP-trials
Field Trials
Emilia Westerholm
Study Director
Study director for fungicide trials including GEP-trials
Field Trials